Section 127 of CGST Act

Power to impose penalty in certain cases



Enforced w.e.f. 1-7-2017.

See Rule 142 of the CGST Rules, 2017 and

Form Nos. DRC – 01, DRC – 07 and DRC – 08 of the CGST Rules, 2017

For waiver of late fee payable by specified classes of taxpayers, see Notification No. 41/2019- Central tax, dated31-8-2019.



Where the proper officer is of the view that a person is liable to a penalty and the same is not covered under any proceedings under section 62 or section 63 or section 64 or section 73 or section 74 or section 74A or section 129 or section 130, he may issue an order levying such penalty after giving a reasonable opportunity of being heard to such person.


Word “or section 74A” inserted by Finance Act, 2024, w.e.f. 1-11-2024.



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